Sunday, June 21, 2009

UTAU_Aeon is up and running!

UTAU_Aeon is my series of UTAUloids. So far, only one Utauloid is complete and one is being worked on.

UTAU_Aeon will be divided into 2 or 3 series. The first series, UTAU_Element, will contain 4 voices which represents the 4 basic elements: Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth. Characters of this series will all be female.

The second series will be called UTAU_Zone. Utau_Zone will consist of Void, Infinity, Time, and Space. (I know, it doesn't make much sense) Characters of this series will all be male. (If I can find guys willing to do the voices. Otherwise......I'll try my best....)

Each voice represents an element. (If you're confused, don't worry, I'm confused with this, too.)

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